Green Land Naeba – Japan 2020/9/19-22

SUNSHINE FESTIVALのロケーションAbout the Location

English below


SUNSHINE FESTIVALが開催されるのは、爽やかな気候が心地よい初秋の季節。昨年に引き続き、今年も会場は新潟県・苗場グリーンランドとなります。ここは約10万平方メートルの国有林の中に、サッカーグラウンドを複数有する広大な場所です。会場近くには「日本百名山」にも選ばれた苗場山や谷川岳など登山やトレッキングを楽しめる名山があります。その近隣には秘湯も含めた泉質の良い温泉が諸所にあります。
さらに苗場といえば1999年から続く日本最大の音楽フェスティバルFUJI ROCK FESTIVAL の開催地としても有名です。苗場の人々は、音楽を愛する人々たちの来訪にとても寛容的で、それはSUNSHINE FESTIVALについても同じことが言えます。





About the Location
As you know, Japan is an island country that stretches from north to south like a dragon. Sunshine Festival will be held again in Niigata Prefecture at Naeba Greenland. Niigata is known for having one of the best qualities of snow in the world, attracting skiers and boarders globally. When the snow melts in late spring, it becomes the water source for their finest high-end Niigata rice.
Naeba Greenland, the venue, has multiple soccer fields surrounded by 100,000 square meters of forestland. There are famous mountains nearby where you can enjoy mountain climbing and trekking, such as Mt. Naeba and Mt. Tanigawa, which were selected as “100 famous mountains in Japan”. After trekking and dancing, you can also enjoy the hot springs with the richest minerals to ease your fatigue. This is the location for Fuji Rock Festival, as well. (Outdoor rock festival hosting 150,000 people since 1999.) In the last 20 years, Naeba city has become very understanding and hospitable to both domestic and international music-loving attendants. As much as your schedule allows, please consider exploring the beauty of Niigata and mingling with warm-hearted locals.
It’s definitely worth it!

Love and Gratitude
SUNSHINE FESTIVAL Executive Committee


